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Sustained energy and focus

While coffee may provide a quick energy boost, it often leads to energy crashes, increased anxiety, and negative withdrawal symptoms.

Matcha contains a combination of natural caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine, which promotes a gradual release of energy instead of a quick jolt. This combination provides a more sustained energy and concentration boost.

Calm alertness

Matcha contains L-theanine, a green tea amino acid that reduces stress and anxiety by increasing alpha waves in your brain. When combined with caffeine, L-theanine can reduce tiredness while increasing feelings of calm alertness.

Metabolism boost

Matcha is rich in catechins, a type of antioxidant that has been scientifically proven to enhance caloric burn rate, making matcha an ally for weight management and metabolic health.

100% Japanese green tea

Experience the pure, untainted taste of premium green tea leaves harvested from the lush Japanese landscapes of Uji. Our matcha is vegan, gluten-free and 100% natural.

If you're looking for a healthier alternative to coffee, Matcha is just what you need! Not only will you be consuming natural caffeine, but matcha also has some amazing health benefits.


Health Benefits

  • Abundance of antioxidants
  • Supports heart health
  • Rich in vitamins & minerals
  • Detoxes the body
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Improves skin health

"Materia is sharing an amazing story about the revolutionary matcha."

"There's an excellent matcha in our market, championed by two young women." 

“Exceptional quality matcha is now finally available in Croatia."

"Looking for a healthier alternative to coffee or eager to try something different, green, and tasty? Matcha is the perfect choice!" 

“This incredibly healthy drink is gaining popularity over the past few years.”

“Materia is capturing our hearts with its philosophy and the quality of its matcha.”


Materia Matcha Magic

  • Sourced directly from Uji, Japan
  • Rich in healthy nutrients
  • Unique umami flavour
  • Natural sweetness
  • Vibrant green colour


Matcha Brand

  • Little to no health benefits
  • Flat and bitter flavour
  • No aroma
  • Dull colour



Place 1/2 tsp (1g) of matcha into a bowl. Add some hot water (for best results use water just under a boil). Whisk in a zig zag motion until foam appears, then add some more water. For matcha latte add a little bit of (plant-based) milk. To sweeten it up, we recomend to add some honey. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 45 reviews
Karla Šebalj


Ana Jelenić

I was hoping this would be matcha that changes my mind. And it is. Love it


Ušla mi je u jutarnju rutinu, finog okusa i razbuđujuća....


Najbolja matcha koju sam pila. Nimalo gorka, ja nisam primjetila ni da ima taloga. Najbolja mi je sa zobenim mlijekom i medom.

Najbolja matcha i točka!

Matcha je postala neizostavni dio mog jutarnjeg rituala, a ova, s količinom od 30 g koja mi traje točno mjesec dana, pokazala se kao odličan izbor.
Okus i živopisno zelena boja praha su ono što me najviše osvojilo – nježno slatkasta, bez onog "prljavog" ili zemljanog prizvuka koji neke vrste matche znaju imati.
Kao pravi zaljubljenik u matchu, isprobala sam gotovo sve dostupne opcije na našem tržištu i s potpunim uvjerenjem mogu reći da je ova najbolja.

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